
Preventing Syslog Denial of Service attacks. By Bri Hatch.Summary: Syslog servers can be subjected to DoS attacks both locally and remotely - take steps to protect your logs from abuse.
Your system logs are your first source of information about what has occurred on your
computer. There are many different possible system logging daemons, syslogd
and syslog-ng being the most popular. Both have a configuration file (/etc/syslog.conf and /etc/syslog-ng.conf respectively) that dictates where logs should
be sent. You may just log everything to /var/log/messages , or you may
break logs up by facility (/var/log/{daemon,mail,auth,etc}.log ) for
easier processing. You may send your logs to network-accessible log servers
using UDP or TCP[1].
Aside from any network loggers, your system log daemon usually writes its logs to
the /var/log directory. To keep this filesystem from filling
up, many Linux distributions include daily, weekly, or monthly cron jobs which
rotate your system logs so you do not fill up the /var/ partition.
Syslog-ng can handle log rotation itself, without the need of a periodic
cron job.
Unfortunately, most log rotation systems only keep a certain number of old
log files around, and eventually old logs get deleted. An attacker can
purposefully spew your syslog server with uninteresting log entries
to cause the logs to rotate out of existence and hide any of his earlier logged
activities. It's always a good idea to have a network system log server
that gets copies of logs so you have more than one place to check logs,
as well as making sure you have backups of your log files. Personally,
I prefer to not allow anything to automatically rotate and discard my log
files -- when /var gets too full, I back them up and rotate
There are three ways an attacker can add entries to your system logs.
- Over the Network
- If your system log daemon listens for logs on a network port, the attacker
can simply connect and send boatloads of bogus logs. Syslogd used to listen on the
network by default, but newer versions do not, and require a
-r flag
to accept network syslogs. The easiest way for you to check if your system
log daemon accepts logs from the network is to use netstat as
# netstat -nap | grep 514
udp 0 0* 120/syslogd
# ps -fp 120
root 17414 1 0 15:48 ? 00:00:00 /sbin/syslogd -r
In the above listing, we see that syslogd pid 120 is listening
on UDP port 514. We should change the startup scripts to not include the
-r flag for syslogd on this machine to prevent it
from listening on the syslog port.
Syslog-ng can listen on both UDP and TCP as well, so
be sure to be on the lookout for either. Of course Syslog-ng can also
be configured to ignore messages from unauthorized hosts, so you should check
your actual configuration to see if you are allowing unrestricted network
logs or not.
- Most system logging daemons listen on one or more unix
sockets[2], the most
typical being
/dev/log :
# lsof -c syslogd | egrep "unix|PID"
syslogd 120 root 0u unix 0xcee94370 150566 /dev/log
# ls -l /dev/log
srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Feb 20 15:56 /dev/log
Here we can see that our syslogd daemon is listening to the
socket /dev/log . If you have programs that run in
chroot ed areas, you may have additional log sockets
for syslogd to watch.
Any user that has write access to a logging socket can send
send messages to the system log daemon. For example one could
use the logger program:
user$ cat spam_the_syslog
while :
logger -p daemon.emerg "Whoa - catastrophic emergency!"
user$ ./spam_the_syslog
It's good to allow user processes to be able to send system log
messages, so under normal circumstances this is not a problem.
However if you have troublesome users or developers who have a
tendency to spew tons of logs[3] then
you can change the /dev/log permissions to protect
your logs from excess junk:
Option one: allow only specific users to send syslog messages:
# groupadd loggers
# chgrp loggers /dev/log
# chmod o-rw,ug+rw /dev/log
# ls -l /dev/log
srw-rw---- 1 root loggers 0 Feb 20 15:56 /dev/log
Or, you can disallow only troublesome users:
# groupadd nolog
# chgrp nolog /dev/log
# chmod g-rw,o+rw /dev/log
# ls -l /dev/log
srw----rw- 1 root nolog 0 Feb 20 15:56 /dev/log
- Legitimate Daemons
- An attacker can also cause legitimate daemons to make excessive
log entries. For example by connecting unsuccessfully to an
SSH daemon an attacker can generate a few syslog entries:
PAM_unix: authentication failure; (uid=0) -> cracker for ssh service
sshd: Failed password for cracker from port 2003
sshd: Failed password for cracker from port 2003
PAM_unix: 2 more authentication failures; (uid=0) -> cracker for ssh service
By hitting many daemons with many connections, lots of spurious logs can be
generated. This is not a very popular attack, however, because most daemons
log something about the cracker's machine (the IP address above, for example.)
[1] Syslogd does not support TCP, but Syslog-ng does. Syslog-ng supports a lot of great features not available in the near-ancient syslogd.
[2] Unix sockets are just special files that
can be connected to processes, rather than the disk
itself. They're similar to filesystem pipes.
[3] And for some reason you
can't lock out their accounts and fire them...
Bri Hatch is Chief Hacker at Onsight, Inc and author of Hacking Linux Exposed and Building Linux VPNs.
Tomorrow is his birthday, and all he wants is some of that East Coast blizzard.
Bri can be reached at bri@hackinglinuxexposed.com.
Copyright Bri Hatch, 2003
This is the February 20, 2003 issue of the Linux Security: Tips, Tricks, and Hackery newsletter. If you wish to subscribe, visit http://lists.onsight.com/ or send email to Linux_Security-request@lists.onsight.com.