
System administrators take pride in their bookshelves. There are a pleathora
of security, Linux, Unix, programming, and networking books out there, some
cruddy, and some of near biblical significance. Here are the ones that
we find useful, enjoyable, or cannot find at all because they have been
pilfered by our coworkers.
Buy here, and Support the Electronic Frontier Foundation
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these purchases to the Electronic
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'one click' patent for example) then we encourage you to buy
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(Note: Don't construe this as an EFF endorsement of our
our site, book, tools, or anything else. However we heartily endorse them.)
Hacking Linux Exposed |
Hacking Linux Exposed, Third Edition
Paperback - 648 Pages (August 2008)
Osborne/McGraw-Hill ; ISBN: 0072262575
Hacking Linux Exposed, Second Edition
by Bri Hatch, James Lee
Paperback - 700 Pages (November 2002)
Osborne/McGraw-Hill ; ISBN: 0072225645
Our humble tome
Hacking Linux Exposed
by Bri Hatch, James Lee
Paperback - 608 Pages (April 3, 2001)
Osborne/McGraw-Hill; ISBN: 0072127732
First edition of our humble tome
Other books by HLE Authors |
Beginning Perl: From Novice to Professional, 2nd Ed.
by James Lee, et all
Paperback - 600 Pages (September, 2004)
Apress; ISBN: 159059391X
Immensely popular Perl combines the best features of C, key UNIX utilities, and powerful regular expressions. Perl is commonly used for web programming, as well as email and Usenet news filtering. Fast becoming the system administrator.s scripting language of choice, Perl is also useful for file and directory manipulation, database access, and a broad range of daily system operator chores.
Building Linux Virtual Private Networks
by Oleg Kolesnikov, Bri Hatch
Paperback - 408 Pages (February, 2002)
New Riders Publishing; ISBN: 1578702666
A detailed look at Linux VPN technology, from choosing your software to step-by-step installation and configuration guides. Covers setups withSSH+PPP, SSL+PPP, IPSec (FreeS/WAN), PPTP, CIPE, VTun, and Tinc . See the website for more details.
Open Source Web Development with LAMP
by James Lee, Brent Ware
Paperback - 460 Pages (December, 2002)
Addison Wesley; ISBN: 020177061X
Open Source Web Development with LAMP gives you all the pieces you need to build a top-notch website with LAMP -- Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl, and more. See the website for a complete list of contents. A truly comprehensive book.
Hacking Exposed, Fourth Edition
by Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray, George Kurtz
Paperback - 768 Pages, 4th edition (February, 2003)
McGraw-Hill; ISBN: 0072227427
This international best seller, and our model for Hacking Linux Exposed, is a must-have. Now in it's fourth edition.
Hacking and Security |
Hacking Windows2000 Exposed
by Joel Scambray, Stuart McClure
Paperback - 500 Pages (August, 2001)
McGraw-Hill; ISBN: 0072192623
For those folks unfortunate enough to support non-Unix systems...
Practical Unix and Internet Security 3rd Edition
by Simson Garfinkel, Gene Spafford
Paperback - 1000 pages 3rd edition (February, 2003)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596003234
Wonderful update of a classic.
Secrets and Lies : Digital Security in a Networked World
by Bruce Schneier
Hardcover - 432 pages 1 edition (August, 2000)
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471253111
In a step away from the technical, Schneier talks about risk management, prevention, detection, and response in a way that can be understood by and useful to both the seasoned security professional and the uninitiated alike.
Hack Proofing Your Network, 2nd Edition
by Syngress Media (Editor), Ryan Russell
Paperback - 824 pages, 2st edition (March, 2002)
Syngress Media Inc; ISBN: 1928994709
An assortment of topics written by some of the best in the field, such as Mudge, Rain Forest Puppy, Elias Levy, Blue Boar, and more. A bit diverse and unconnected, which may not appeal to everyone.
Networking |
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 : The Protocols
by W. Richard Stevens
Hardcover - 576 pages Vol 001 (January, 1994)
Addison-Wesley; ISBN: 0201633469
If you want to understand the IP networking suite, the W. Richard Stevens books are the authority.
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2 : The Implementation
by Gary R. Wright, W. Richard Stevens
Hardcover Vol 002 (January, 1995)
Addison-Wesley; ISBN: 020163354X
Volume 2 covers networking source code in more detail.
Network Intrusion Detection, 2nd edition
by Stephen Northcutt, Donald McLachlan, Judy Novak
Paperback - 450 pages 2nd edition (September, 2000)
New Riders Publishing; ISBN: 0735710082
Analysis of real-life intrusions via network dumps and detection tools
Firewalls |
Linux Firewalls Second Edition
by Robert L. Ziegler
Textbook Binding - 592 pages, 2nd edition (October, 2001)
New Riders Publishing; ISBN: 0735710996
Step-by-step descriptions of how to configure Linux firewalls, both ipchains and iptables.
Building Linux and OpenBSD Firewalls
by Wes Sonnenreich, Tom Yates
Paperback - 384 pages (February, 2000)
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471353663
Both Linux (ipchains) and OpenBSD (IPFilter) covered, with a slight OpenBSD slant.
Firewalls and Internet Security : Repelling the Wily Hacker, Second Edition
by William Cheswick, Steven Bellovin, Aviel Rubin
Paperback - 455 pages (February, 2003)
Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series; ISBN: 020163466X
A firewalls classic, finally in its second edition.
Building Internet Firewalls, 2nd Edition
by Elizabeth Zwicky, Simon Cooper, D. Brent Chapman
Paperback - 869 pages, 2nd edition (January, 2000)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565928717
Second edition of the classic that covers more complex firewall needs than you may find in other books.
Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, 2nd Edition.
by Bruce Schneier
Paperback - 784 pages 2 edition (October, 1995)
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471117099
The authoritative cryptography reference. A good introduction and reference for the curious and the programmers alike.
Programming |
Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment
by W. Richard Stevens
Hardcover - 744 pages (June, 1992)
Addison-Wesley; ISBN: 0201563177
A holy-grail for all high-end Unix programming concepts.
PANIC! UNIX System Crash Dump Analysis Handbook (Bk/CD-ROM)
by Chris Drake, Kimberley Brown
Textbook Binding - 496 pages 1 edition (May, 1995)
Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0131493868
A wonderful in-depth description about system crash dump analysis.
Programming Perl (3rd Edition)
by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, Jon Orwant
Paperback - 1067 pages 3rd edition (July, 2000)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596000278
The ultimate Perl reference. If you have had programming experience before, this is the Perl book for you. If not, try Learning Perl.
Perl Cookbook
by Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington, Larry Wall
Paperback - 794 pages 1st edition (August, 1998)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565922433
A book dedicated to real perl programs and snippets you can use every day.
Linux/Unix Tools |
Dns and Bind, 3rd edition
by Cricket Liu, Paul Albitz, Mike Loukides
Paperback - 482 pages 3rd edition (September, 1998)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565925122
If you support BIND (we're sorry) then you should read this.
SSH, the Secure Shell : The Definitive Guide
by Daniel J. Barrett, Richard Silverman
Paperback - 558 pages (February, 2001)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596000111
Good SSH reference, from the implementation to the protocol. Though I wouldn't trust the NT stuff as much. (And why are you running windows anyway?)
Learning the vi Editor (6th Edition)
by Linda Lamb, Arnold Robbins
Paperback - 327 pages 6 edition (November, 1998)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565924266
Don't be a weenie, learn vi. Gui's are for the weak. (Ok, you may use emacs if you must.)