
We love technical books that contain source code and examples. Thus
we packed Hacking Linux Exposed with
example configuration files, programs, scripts, vulnerability
tests and exploits. However we find that all this code presents several
- It is not difficult to copy one or two line snippets of code from a book,
however it's annoying and time consuming to enter code of any
decent length. There's already enough carpel tunnel going around
in this profession, so why make matters worse? We couldn't live with the guilt.
- The longer the code is, the more likely you are to make a typo.
There is an old saying: "A million monkeys at a million typewritters
for a million years will eventually type the works of Shakespeare."
We would counter that "A single monkey at a single typewriter will
first type a Unix command." And when you're typing in pages of
code, most likely that command will accidentally be "
rm ".
- Should we make improvements in the code, we can only put them
into new revisions of the book. We don't ever leave
programs alone for long. We're constantly rewriting our own
code, and equally often each other's code. Code is alive, and
doesn't flourish on a static page.
Thus we provide all the code from Hacking Linux Exposed and Hacking Linux Exposed, Second Edition in
easy-to-download fashion here on our web page. If you have
suggestions, improvements, or find errors, please send
email to bri@hackinglinuxexposed.com
All of this sourcecode is released under the GPL. See the
file COPYING for full licensing
Accessing the pages below requires a username/password.
- HLE First Edition
Username: The program in use in Figure 3-2.
Password: The package management tool shown in Figure A-2.
- HLE Second Edition
Username: The filename highlighted in Figure 11-1.
(Hint: looks like SOME_THING)
Password: The name of the network device selected in Figure 7-5.
(Hint: ends in the number 0.)
Hacking Linux Exposed, Second Edition Sourcecode
All chapters
AppendixesChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16
Hacking Linux Exposed Sourcecode
All chapters
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13