
Windows vs Linux Security Challenge.
I've always thought Linux to be one of the most
secureable operating systems. (Yes, OpenBSD/FreeBSD/NetBSD
are right up there too, followed by the not-so-open proprietary
Unix-like systems.)
Close to dead last in the list of OSs that are currently
in wide use would be Windows. Though there are excellent
resources available that will help you secure a Windows
installation, the time it takes to do it absolutely right
is obscene, and seldom would be done by most administrators,
much less average individuals.
To prove my point, I offer the following contest. Pit me
against a Windows security guru. Each of us will create a server that
is locked down and provides common Internet services. On my box I'll
install Linux, and on his he'll install Windows 2000 or WindowsXP, at
his discretion.
Ideally, said contest should be held at a security conference,
with the monitor and statistics of each participant available
for everyone to see as they work.
Necessary Services
Including the (secured) operating system itself, the final server
configuration must support (as secure as possible)
- A Web Server, preferably with dynamic-content generating capabilities, such as ASP or mod_perl. No documents need be installed, however all default-install documents/programs must be deleted. In other words, every possible request should return a 404.
- Anonymous FTP Server (read-only)
- Mail Server (able to accept email for itself and send to other Internet machines)
- DNS Server (able to act as a primary for 'OS.example.com' and as a cache for the local network)
- Firewall rules that allow only the above protocols, and any other
packets necessary for system administration and normal functionality.
(Inbound SSH, DNS Replies, etc.)
The software I'd probably choose would be Apache (mod_perl), DJB's publicfile for anon FTP access, Postfix for the mail server, and DJBDNS for the DNS server/caching server.
The rules
Here are my tentative rules for the contest. Suggestions are
- Both parties are given identical machines. These machines
should have blank hard drives, CD-ROM, floppy, keyboard,
monitor, mouse and network card. All hardware must be supported by
both a standard Linux kernel and Windows2000 machines.
- Both machines will be on a LAN switch that has access to the Internet.
The machines will share this connection.
- The contestants will be allowed to have the necessary CD(s)
containing their OS. This must be a standard installation CD
that anyone can get by walking into a store, ordering online,
or downloading over the Internet and burning on their own. It
may not have anything custom to this contest, or anything extra
or preconfigured.
- Contestants may not access anything online that they or others
have prepared for use in this contest.
- Any security or installation documentation may be read and consulted
as needed.
- No action may be taken by one machine to interact with the other in
any way during or after the installation. In other words, not a packet
will hit the wire that isn't honourable. If feasible, the machines
can be on separate networks entirely, as long as they have completely
identical setup and resources.
- Play fair. Pretend you're a peon - if they can't do it, you shouldn't
Acceptable Network Access
The contestants are allowed to access the Internet for the purposes
of downloading new versions/patches of software, and to access any
online resources that may be helpful, given the following restrictions:
- Anything that is accessed is available to the entire world
without need of authentication, registration, IP restrictions, etc.
- Said information/software must be easy to find. Ideally, one
should be able to go to http://www.microsoft.com or http://www.debian.org and
click their way to the files/information without even entering a
- Hidden pages are not allowed.
- Hard-to-find pages are severely frowned upon.
- Pages that were made available specifically for this contest,
or seem tailored for this contest are forbidden.
The intent is to simulate the minimum time it would take an actual
user to secure her machine. Everything that the contestants access
must be easy to get to for everyone. Thus no use of bookmarks that contain
lists of patches/hotfixes/etc that must be downloaded are acceptable.
Only what is available to the average computer user is allowed. What
I'm trying to say here is no custom *anything*.
So, what's appropriate downloadable content? A new hotfix that has been
released for IIS and is available from the Microsoft security
downloads section, for example, is completely fine. A hardening
program that is not 100% publicly available and easy to find is not.
What if Microsoft releases such a tool specifically in reaction to
this contest? That's great! I'd love for them to make stuff available
to make securing Windows easier. However they'd better keep it up
to date over time -- otherwise I will consider it unfair play, and not
beneficial to their users.
Respected and impartial judges from the Linux and Windows worlds will
watch the process, keeping a log of what was done to the system. Afterwards
I'd like to see comparisons of some key statistics, such as:
- Overall time from start to finish.
- Time for initial installation.
- Time spent consulting security-related information, and list of sources.
- Time spent rebooting.
- Time spent 'doing something' vs waiting for downloads to complete.
- Time spent finding and selecting patches/service packs.
- Time the machine is vulnerable on the network.
- Number of patches required.
- Number of reboots required.
- Amount of install that must be completed at console,
and could not be done remotely.
- Software packages required, and total cost of the server setup
(software + configuration - hardware is irrelevant)
- Brief security history (latest vulnerabilities, and impact) of the
network-accessible software (web/dns/ftp/etc) installed.
My hope is to provide a side-by-side comparison to let us see the installation
and securing process of Linux and Windows machines. We should be able to
infer some best-practices for both worlds, and see where current systems
are deficient.
This is meant to be beneficial to both Linux and Windows
administrators. This is not about 'bragging rights'. Yes, I
do expect Linux will prove itself easier and quicker to secure, but
I hope to have some useful data that users and administrators can
use to secure their own machines and make informed choices.
